January 1, 2020

Welcome To 2020


Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Today, I wanted to make a new blog post about the new year of 2020 and about the future of this website. This year marks a major milestone for this website as it will turn ten years old this upcoming May! With that, I have a lot planned for this website.

Over the past year, I've been lacking new blog posts here on my website. This year, I want that to change! Starting soon, I'd like to share more news, ideas, contests, and more, here on Around The Spiral. Like I said, this year is a very special year since Around The Spiral is officially turning 10 years old. Not only that, but I would also like to update my site to make it fit with the current times while also having that nostalgic late 2000s feel to it. There are so many things I'd like to do, but you'll just have to stick around to see them! 

With that, events will take place this year. I'd like to put work into making them feel more welcoming to the community. I'll need your help spreading the word about each event as we near each Holiday this upcoming year. So keep an eye out this year for new event announcements! Be sure to follow SpiralVision on Twitch (twitch.tv/spiralvision) and Twitter (twitter.com/thespiralvision) for stream and event updates! I hope you're able to join us this year as we continue our tradition of Holiday events (and a new type of event later this year - keep an eye out for more information; you won't want to miss it)!

Now, we can't forget about Pirate101 in 2020. I would like to make more Pirate101 posts and hopefully have a few Pirate101 events here and there! I don't know where or how we'll start, but I can assure you that I'll pay more attention to this wonderful game this year. Pirate101 is such an underrated game. If you haven't played Pirate101, please check it out. It's definitely an amazing game and deserves all of the attention that it can get. I'll certainly pay a lot more attention to Pirate101 this year whether it's streams, contests, etc. 

Overall, I would like to make this year a great year, not just for me, but for the community in general. I don't believe I was able to do that last year, so this year, I'm going to try my best to make your stay in the community an amazing one. The community truly means a lot to me and I will try my best to adapt to the current times, while also bringing back the nostalgic feeling of the late 2000s and early 2010s. I look forward to working with the community and Kingsisle to making this year an amazing year. Happy 2020 to each and every one of you. Now let's add that additional year to the blog archives! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. 

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