Yeah... I bet you thought I was going to say Homework again.. Oops, I did it again! :P No, that's not going to be the song that I post below. So many of you know that I've been busy due to my lack of posts last month and early this month. I've been working on a lot of homework lately, but that's really paid off! All A's so far! I decided to make this post to let you know what I think about my classes so far..
Fun, except one class....
I've had a great experience with most of my classes because I've learned a lot. One class that I'm enjoying the most is "Intro to the Bible". I know nearly all of the stories in the Bible but this class has been very interesting! I'm so glad I decided to take this class because I feel like it's bringing me even closer to God. If your college provides this class, I recommend all of you to take it - whether you believe or not. If you don't believe, you can use the class to read it as a book. Not forcing any of you to do what you don't want to, but all of you Christians out there would surely enjoy this class. It has brought me closer to God and more of an understanding of everything in the bible. Great class.. Okay, now for my least favorite class....
Web Design 2. I told y'all a few months ago that I was looking forward to this class the most, but it has been a tough class for me. I absolutely dislike presenting projects ONLINE. I don't mind presenting if I'm at the campus, but virtually is different. My instructor also wants me to read out questions which do help but at the same time, AH! I'm sure most of you have had a day where you just don't feel like talking to anybody. I think this is a great place for that, especially if you don't have any questions over the subject. There are however instructors that will call on you periodically and sometimes it gets annoying. Well, this instructor is a great instructor but you always have to talk in this class to get the points! I dread this class most of all just because of that reason. Why do you think it's taken me so long to make YouTube videos? I really should make a video ranting about how much this annoys me! :P If you think I type a lot, imagine how much I can talk! Kidding, I probably don't talk nearly as much as I type.
Other than that, I haven't had any problems in my classes. I have all A's because I've spent so much time studying for my quizzes and tests. I think that's very important if you don't want to stress out about anything. I probably should make a post about stress I've had in previous semesters and what I did to prevent that stress this semester... hmm! Maybe my next post will be about that. You all have no idea how much I miss Wizard101 & Pirate101, though. I do take breaks every now and then if I do feel stressed. I usually watch my favorite television series, Once Upon a Time, or play a bit of Wizard101 by decorating my house for the Halloween Run which takes place on October 29th. I told y'all I'd promote this event everywhere! Really... Spread the word. I think we could get so many areas in Nightside on that day! Okay... back to College.. I've had a great time so far. I really hope this trend continues. I'm glad I'm able to do what I want every now and then. By the way, another stress reducer is 2000s music and all decades before. That's truly the best music in the world! I do apologize to all of the peeps that love 2010s music, but I'm all for that music because there's more talent. Okay, I need to stop typing before I go on a rant about how old music needs to come back. Here's a favorite song of mine from the 2000s!!!!