Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsletter. Show all posts

October 1, 2014

October 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter!

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe it's already October... You know we're getting closer to my favorite holiday, Christmas; I have a few other favorite holidays like Thanksgiving & Halloween and since it's October, we'll just talk about Halloween! :D This month, Kingsisle is not only going to celebrate Halloween, but they're also going to celebrate their 2nd Birthday! BIRTH-O-WEEN! Happy 2nd Birth-o-ween, Kingsisle! I can't believe the 15th of this month will count your 2nd Birthday. It really doesn't seem like I've been playing the game for two years, I guess it's because I've had a lot of fun playing the game. :) I will have more on Pirate101's Birth-o-ween on a later post. Let's talk about this month's Newsletter.

Kingsisle released another Rogue's Gallery featuring Mormo! Click on the video above to learn more information about Mormo. I really love listening to these videos about our favorite NPCS on Pirate101. :) I think the narrator of the Rogue's Gallery does a really good job, if you're reading, you're an awesome pirate! I really don't know if he voices a npc in the game but he should be if he isn't yet! I bet he is and I look like I haven't been on the game in weeks... which is true.. :P Anyway, there's a lot to check out on this month's Pirate101 Newsletter, so click the image below to read the rest of this month's newsletter. :O

September 3, 2014

September 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter!

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe it's already September! This means we're in the Bers which means it's almost Fall which also means Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I love the end of the year. :D We're also close to 2015 (still waiting for those Pizza Hydrators-- Back To The Future).. Wait a minute.. where is this blog post heading?! We're not in 2015 yet, we're in September which means KI released a new Pirate101 Newsletter! :D This month they released a new Rogue's Gallery featuring Chantal Livingstone!

There's so much more on this month's Newsletter so I'm going to link you to this month's Newsletter so you can read all of it for yourself. :) I bet this month is going to be a lot of fun! Thank you Kingsisle for all of the hard work you do through everyday. :D If you would like to read the rest of this month's Newsletter click HERE! Thank you for reading and I hope you have an awesome September. :D

August 2, 2014

Arrrgustt 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great weekend so far! I know I am. Well... I'm a little sick, but I am feeling great at the same time because yesterday the Pirate101 Newsletter was released with a lot of awesome news. I'm sure you all know about the new Rogue's Gallery featuring Fin Dorsal (you can view that video below). One- Eyed Jack and Bonnie also released news about Arrrgust!

Wait a minute... Arrrgust or Bonnie? Why was Bonnie mentioned on this newsletter?? Bonnie is actually our new associate community manager! Bonnie (Leala) is a new community manager for not only Pirate101 but also Wizard101 ( the same with One-Eyed Jack). I know Leala from the Wizard101 community when she was a host on Ravenwood Radio with Stephen Spiritcaller from Spiral Radio. I'm glad she's back in the community and I know she'll do a great job! Congratulations Tom and Leala! :D Now... Lets talk about Arrrgust! Last year Pirate101 celebrated Arrrgust with contests, giveaways and new items! I think this year will be even better than last year even though last year was awesome. Keep an eye out because you never know what fansites will be having contests for the Arrrgust celebration. ;) If you would like to read this month's Pirate101 newsletter, click HERE. 

July 2, 2014

July 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Kingsisle released this month's Newsletter (can't believe it's already July) with a ton of great information about the future of Pirate101 and a ton of last month's awesome events. This month the newsletter if full of a lot of great notes that I think are important and fun to read. :D One thing they released is a Rogue's Gallery featuring Mustang Sally! I remember talking to her on my swashbuckler, Edward Cringle, last month. :D

That rogue's gallery provided a lot of information about Mustang Sally! I can't wait to see who they have planned for Rogue's Gallery next month. Maybe they'll have a  Moo Manchu Rogue's Gallery?? :P There's a lot more to read on the Pirate101 Newsletter so make sure you check it out by clicking HERE or clicking on the image below. Thank you for reading! :)

June 1, 2014

June 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter!

Ahoy Pirates,

I know the newsletter was released in May but I really wanted to make a blog post about it on June since I have been making newsletter posts since the first Newsletter in 2012. :D Anyways, KI did release their newsletter and it has a ton of awesome information such as Rogue's Gallery featuring Gortez, a recap of the Test Realm Sparring Party last month, a recap of Pirates De Mayo and much more! If you would like to read this month's Newsletter, just click the image attached to this post below the Rogue's Gallery video!

May 3, 2014

May 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

I can't believe it's already May, this year is flying by! Yesterday Kingsisle released the May 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter with a ton of awesome information. A lot of awesome things happened last month and One-Eyed Jack mentioned a lot of things that happened last month in this month's newsletter. :D I thought last month was pretty awesome, especially the new Spring Update on the test realm. This new update has so many awesome things to it, I'm sure everyone will enjoy it once it's released to the live realm. :D One other thing One-Eyed Jack talked about Fake Crowns and how the test realm is completely different from the Live Realm. You should really check that out on the Newsletter. I can't attach the Rogue's Gallery this time because Blogger won't find it. If you want to check out the rest of this month's awesome Newsletter, just click on the image attached to this blog post! *There's also something about a Mooshu Tower :O*

April 2, 2014

April 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

There's been so much news in the spiral I can hardly keep up! Can you believe all of the awesome news we've had? Today Kingsisle release their April 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter with news about the "very" soon to be released test realm with a new panorama on the Newsletter. There are many other things that I won't talk about since you should check it out yourself and read more about this awesome update. Before I include a link to the Newsletter here's a video of Rogue Gallery featuring Ratbeard!

I can't wait to see what Kingsisle has for us! I'm excited about it and can't wait to test everything they've worked so hard on for us. One thing I'm excited about is the Advanced Companions, I really can't test that out on the test realm. I have that feeling the test realm will be released within a few days (Today-Friday). I know there's been controversy over the stuff Kingsisle is planning on releasing but before you get too upset about it, please test it out and let Kingsisle know what you think about it. It's like a book, you never know what a book is going to be like unless you read it. With Pirate101, you never know what the test realm will be like unless you test it out. :) Thanks for reading and if you would like to read the rest of the April 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter just click on the image below!

March 3, 2014

March 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Kingsisle release their March 2014 P101 Newsletter today with lots of great news, information and a great recap of what happened last month! I think this newsletter is one of my favorite newsletter they've released. I think one of my favorite things about this month's Newsletter is the Rogue's Gallery. Kingsisle finally release a video about Blind Mew, the blind cat in Skull Island, yeah.. believe it or not, he is a cat! I can't post the video since its early but you can still check it out on the newsletter. I'll post it to my blog once blogger finds it. :) Another thing that caught my eye was the last section of the newsletter. NEW TEASER! I'm so excited about the spoilers Kingsisle has release in the past few months. This spoiler has something to do with Completely Barmy just like many of the spoilers in the past!

Kingsisle : Avast, Pirate101 fans! This here be an interesting and (also “completely barmy”) concept art of a Skull Island character you’ve never seen before!

Isn't that an epic concept teaser image? I don't think I'm the only one excited about this next Pirate101 update. I have that feeling there will be another skyway in Skull Island that we'll have to explore with the new update. I don't really know, sometimes I think it's a new world but it could be a little something for everyone. Maybe it's a new Pirate101 school? I know Wizard101 added a new school (not so new now, balance) in the past when it was still a new game. I don't know if that Skull Island character has anything to do with a new school, but you never know! I think KI is going to release more than just a new world. I do think they'll release a new world with the next update since a lot of pirates are already level 65, at least the pirates I know and have seen. What do you think will happen? Well I think that's enough chat for the newsletter. I'm guessing it'll be released to the test realm by next month's newsletter, if not, it'll be released during May or June. Anyways, if you'd like to read more great information about this month's P101 Newsletter such as: NXP Parties, Pirate101 Vines and Books For The Cultured Pirate, just click HERE

February 3, 2014

Februrary 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle just released this month's Pirate101 Newsletter and it was released with a nice sneak peek! Before I get to that let's talk a little about what's been released on the Newsletter this month. Kingsisle released a Rogue's Gallery about Gracie Conrad, the dog from Wizard101, or is she? View the video below to find out more about Gracie in this month's Rogue's Gallery!

One Eyed Jack also has a few helpful hints on how to switch realms and more about areas on this month's Newsletter. I'm so happy he post more about that, it really does help to switch realms if a realm is full, or you want to switch to a full realm to get away from a quiet one! Okay.. Maybe I can't wait to talk about the sneak peek (Will make a new blog post later about what I think will be released)! Kingsisle released a new sneak peek, that is labeled Completely Barmy. Today Kingsisle released an image of a staircase (not there now, but will be) in Avery's Court or somewhere in Skull Island. I thought about what I think is going to be released and I'll let you know what I think later on. Until then, please check out the rest of the Newsletter by clicking on the image below!

January 6, 2014

January 2014 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

It's 2014 and that means Kingsisle released another newsletter for the month. :D This newsletter has a new Rogue's Gallery and a Sneak Peek! Let me start with the sneak peek since I'm excited about it and can't just not post about it until after Rogue's Gallery. This time Kingsisle released another image that looks like a treasure chest, one that you can lock and unlock? I can't think of it what it is but it does go along with the quest Completely Barmy! Here's an image of the sneak peek below..

I don't really know what this could mean but If you haven't, you should scroll through the Newsletters and look for another Barmy image in another Newsletter. This is making me curious. I'm starting to think its one huge side quest or something. This looks new and doesn't remind me anything of Wizard101 which is great. :D I love surprises. Anyways, this isn't the only thing I'm posting about, you can also check out the rest of the newsletter by clicking the image above AND watch the Rogue's Gallery ,featuring Old Scratch, below *I'll post once it becomes available on blogger*. Happy New Year, Pirates!

December 3, 2013

December 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Wow, its already December?! It feels like this year flew by, I can't believe this is the last month of 2013. I guess that's what happens when you have so much fun on Pirate101. :D Kingsisle released their last newsletter of the year today which brought a little bit of information about the 12 Days of Christmas Countdown and a brand new Rogue's Gallery, The Commodore which you can view by clicking HERE! You can also view another video about the new Pirate101 Empire Bundle below!

The Empire Bundle can be bought at Gamestop for $39, let me say its a pretty great bundle and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Thank you Kingsisle for releasing such an epic bundle. I've been enjoying everything in this bundle since I first redeemed the code for it. :D I'm sure this would be a great Christmas present for any pirate wanting it for Christmas. 

If you would like to read more of this month's Pirate101 Newsletter just click HERE or click Boochbeard Claus above! :D I hope y'all have a great Christmas/Holiday and I'll  update you about new Newsletter again next month/year! I didn't see anything about any side world updates in the Newsletter but Pirate101 has been quiet lately and usually when they're quiet something big happens! I'm only guessing. Lets hope something does happen soon. :D 

November 2, 2013

November 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates,

Its November, one step closer to the Holidays, and Pirate101 has released their 11th Newsletter this year. In this month's newsletter Kingsisle hinted at new content being released in the 2nd year of Pirate101 which makes me wonder why they hinted at it this month and not last month or December. :D I have that feeling Kingsisle will release something new but I guess we'll have to see when they finally release new content. Here's a few other things KI added to their Newsletter..

New World, Side World, Or Quest? Completely Barmy! 

“The Ancient Ones aren’t the only ones who’ve gone. He’s gone . . . gone completely barmy, Captain!”

That's what Bonnie said on the Dialog to the Santa looking Pirate guy above. This makes me wonder if its a side world type of quest, side area in Skull Island that we haven't had a chance to visit or just a quest for everyone to enjoy. I have that feeling its a new quest that everyone can enjoy at all levels according to the Bonnie Anne picture above. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. We'll have to see what happens in the next few weeks. Kingsisle has said they'll release more screenshots and information in the next couple of weeks on their social media channels. I'm very excited now, can't wait to see what KI has planned for us!

Rogue's Gallery: Ol Fish Eye 

I couldn't find the YouTube video when searching through Blogger so you'll have to click on Ol' Fish Eye above to view the YouTube video about Ol Fish Eye. I love Rogue's Gallery, I'm glad we can learn more about one of the NPC's on Pirate101 each month. :D Once again if you'd like to view the video about Ol' Fish Eye just click the video above. If you'd like to read more of the Pirate101 Newsletter just click HERE. I'll post the next newsletter and more about what I think about it next month during... THE CHRISTMAS MONTH!

October 2, 2013

October 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Its October, a new month, that means KI released another newsletter to tell us what happened last month and a few awesome hints of what will happen this month. I read the newsletter and it says there's going to be a few surprises this month on Pirate101! I have a feeling this has something to do with Halloween since Halloween is this month. I'm very excited and can't wait to see what Kingsisle has up their sleeves!

Rogue's Gallery: Mordekai 

Read More!

If you would like to read the rest of this month's Pirate101 Newsletter just click on the image above or click HERE. There's lot of great things to read on the newsletter so make sure you read the rest of the Newsletter. :D Oh and you should know I'm excited this month but each month closer December means the Christmas holiday and I get very excited about that! So I can't wait to make next month's newsletter, that means we're closer to Christmas! Anyways... I hope y'all have a great Halloween!

September 3, 2013

Pirate101 Newsletter: September 2013

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle released another Pirate101 Newsletter this month, September. This newsletter talks about all of the awesome things that happened last month such as Arrrgust, Shark Week, Fansite Contests and new crown shop items! I agree, last month was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see what's going to happen this month in the Spiral. I want to see September on Pirate101 so no waking me up when September ends, wake me up so I don't fall asleep during September. :D

Rogue's Gallery: Sarah Steele

If you would like to see the rest of the awesome September Pirate101 Newsletter just click on the image above. This newsletter is full of great information and new things such as Vadima's Visions. Make sure to check out the September Pirate101 Newsletter today. :D See y'all around the Spiral, stay safe in the Skyways!

August 2, 2013

August 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Welcome to another month of Pirate101's Newsletter. I like posting part of the newsletter on here so everyone can see the rest of the great updates on the newsletter and I will continue doing this every single month. :) The newsletter is a great source of information on events that happened last month and some that will happen this month. Last month Kingsisle brought a lot of awesome things to the crowns shop such as Class Housing, Gifting, Furniture Sets, Housing teleporters and much more! Kingsisle also brought Ryan's Yum-n-ade to Pirate101. Last month was such a great month for Pirate101 and I'm sure it'll be the same way this month. :D

Rogue's Gallery: Bonnie Anne

I'm not going to blog too much about the Pirate101 Newsletter from now on, I'd rather you see the newsletter yourself! There's a lot of great information on the Newsletter such as Fansite News and Hints from One Eyed Jack. Click on Bonnie Anne (above) to read more of this month's Newsletter!

July 3, 2013

July 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle released another newsletter yesterday for Pirate101. This newsletter includes great things that happened last month such as the Kingsisle Blog- an official Kingsisle Site/Blog, The brand new June 2013 Pirate101 Commercial , and all of the great items released in the crowns shop. Last month was a lot of fun and a busy month for Kingsisle but they go on to say there will be a surprise this month. Could they release another crowns shop item? Or could it be something different like gifting?! I guess we'll have to see! KI also released a new Rogue's Gallery featuring Morgan Lafitte the Swashbuckler trainer.

There's so much news on this Newsletter that I can't even blog about it all. Ye'll have to go check this newsletter out by clicking on the image below. There's a lot of great news from last month and this month. Thank you Kingsisle for a great month last month. I can't wait to see what's in store for this month! 

June 3, 2013

June 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates,

KI released June 2013's Pirate101 Newsletter today. As usual I'm going to make a short post on the updates on the newsletter and send ye the link so ye can read more! This newsletter talks about the huge expansions of Marleybone and Aquila and we also have a new Rogue's Gallery with Madame Vadima!

Not only did they release the Rogue Gallery they also gave us a few details about upcoming Crown Items! I hope this means a new game card pack. I know for sure we'll see the new Aquila Pirate101 Ship and equipment that the pirate101 fansites are giving away. Talking about crowns items... Ye probably heard of the new Pennyfarthing mount, they are asking those pirates who have them to show them off by sending pictures of that mount and the black  rain shades to! Pretty Epic. Well, there's a lot more included in this newsletter so I'll send ye there, click on the picture to the right to read the rest of the newsletter. See ye later with next month's newsletter!

May 2, 2013

May 2013 Monthly Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Welcome to another monthly newsletter post, this month Kingsisle has announced the test realm which has a new bazaar, mounts, enemies, ships, powers which comes with two new books/worlds, 13 & 14 books Marleybone and Aquila! This is the first time Kingsisle has ever released two new worlds to the test realm and soon the live realm. When I logged into the test realm at first there was a little bit of lag but it all stopped, I believe there was less lag in the skyways because that was another thing Kingsisle fixed! I was expecting it to be laggy since when other worlds are released to the test realm (Wizard101) it usually is laggy. I really do thank Kingsisle for fixing so much in the test realm and listening to their players. I already know Pirate101 is my favorite game, and if you're reading this and haven't tried it out.. you should try it out and level all the way through :) Okay before I make this post too long, here's a few things Kingsisle has for us on the May Monthly Newsletter!

Pirate101 Rogue's Gallery: Catbeard

Hints from One-Eyed Jack

Are you having trouble in cool ranch defeating the bumbaloons? Well One-Eyed Jack has some great advice on how to defeat them. After you're done reading all of the newsletter make sure to scroll down to the bottom where you see Hints from One-Eyed Jack and read his advice to you! I'll make sure to read this when I make it there on my Swashbuckler, Edward Cringle. He's not far away from this area and I was worried but I know when I read One-Eyed Jack's advice again it won't be as bad. :D

Click Catbeard to read the rest of the May 2013 Newsletter!

April 3, 2013

Pirate101 Newsletter April 2013

Ahoy Pirates,

Kingsisle released another newsletter for April! With the newsletter they reminded everyone of the Spring Pets that were released (they won't be around very long, and you'll have to wait until next year if you miss them). Also the stitching they added, very cool right? I'm glad they added it, now my pirate can really go around the Spiral looking like a hero, I'm sure you know which character I'm talking about. This month they added the Slowpoke Sloth, which goes -40% slower than walking! I really want to see this mount on the game, I'm planning on buying myself one. They cost 1,750 crowns, not bad at all for a slowpoke!

If you click play on the video above, you'll see Kingsisle released another Rogue's Gallery with Boochbeard and Gandry! What's Rogue's Gallery? You learn more about certain characters on the game by listening to Rogue's Gallery, they've had Avery, FrogFather and now Boochbeard & Gandry with Rogue's Gallery.

One-Eyed Jack also has some great information on pets and how they work on the newsletter! If you would like to read more of the April 2013 Newsletter, click on Boochbeard & Gandry. See you next month!

March 1, 2013

March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter

Ahoy Pirates!

Its a new month, March! I'm surprised, time is going by very fast. Okay lets get started :) This months newsletter has a lot of great things that happened last year such as Fansites accomplishments/ interviews, the updates to the game, and the winner of the recent puppet pirates! Sounds like last month was actually a very busy month. This month they hint at new promotions, surprises, and contests from Official Pirate101 fansites. I don't know anything at the moment but I can't wait to find out! I'll make sure when the contests are announced it will be a very fun contest. Oh I forgot to tell you something else... NEW Rogue Gallery!

Wow, I was wondering when they would do one about him, I'm very glad they did! This makes me wonder if they are planning to do this every month about different main Pirate101 characters. Who knows they might, I think that would be very cool if they did! Make sure to check out the video, great information about him.

Click the link to read more of the March 2013 Pirate101 Newsletter! Make sure to read the April 2013 letter when its released! You will see updates here every month on the Newsletter label. See Ye Around the Spiral!