June 18, 2012



If you have noticed I have changed the blog around a little bit. I still have big plans on making this blog a helpful blog! I will still blog about my adventures through Wizard101 and Pirate101, I also want to make it helpful for new wizards.

June 17, 2012

Help with Blog Cursor!

Hello there!

This post is a post I was planning on making the last month. I hope this post helps everyone. First of all, I will help you with any questions you have down below! Before I get started with how to get a cursor, it may be difficult. Try a couple of times before giving up or ask me a question. I had to keep trying before I finally understood! Good luck :)

June 16, 2012

Pirate101 and Wizard101

Hello Wizards and Pirates!

Today I wanted to make a random post about Pirate101 and Wizard101 similarities. You can tell the differences between the similarities too! I've noticed a Platypus, Sharks any many other things  in the Pirate101 Game Preview shots. I'm sure there are many more similarities.