November 2, 2012

Blog Maintenance

Around the Spiral with Edward Lifegem

I'm doing a maintenance for the next few weeks on this blog! You may have heard about it in recent posts, I won't be closing the blog down because this maintenance will last awhile. I'm going to spend more time on this maintenance than any other. I'm hoping it will be the biggest update we've ever had on this site! Here's a list of a few updates being made..

  • Pages: More information on pages will be added on all of the pages, not to mention an easier way to get around. The drop-down option may be removed! 
  • Background: The background will also be changed. Its not Halloween anymore so this background should be changed to a Pirate101/Wizard101 related background. I will be adding a Christmas background the day after Thanksgiving! 
  • Header: The header will be changed too, I would like to thank Cody for a great header for the past few months, I'm going to miss the header, but we never know, it may come back! The new header will be a mix of Wizard101 and Pirate101 also.
  • Blogging: In the next few weeks, I'm going to try to start blogging about Wizard101 and Wizard101 UK a little more, I've been taking a break from both games to start playing Pirate101. I hope you wizards don't mind me taking a break!

I really do hope you like the new blog design and everything to be added! I can't wait for you to see all of my new guides, pages, and my background and header. Wish me good luck! You will see a lot of changes in the next few days on the pages. I will still be making new posts. Oh and I hope you liked the red and green! Happy Holidays! :D (Been waiting 11 months to say that again)! 

October 30, 2012

Puppet Pirates!

Boochbeard and Gandry are at it again, getting caught by enemies, you may notice on Pirate101 that they are always in some sort of trouble, by escaping from enemies, hanging over a lake of fire, even roaming through a spooky tunnel! Tradewinds Tribune says there's going to be a cartoon series over Boochbeard and Gandry! Who knows what sort of trouble they'll get into. It says that Pirate101's Facebook will be uploading the pictures and you get to think of the Caption ideas! They are planning on choosing their favorite captions and asking for votes. The one with the most votes will be added to the comic and added to the Pirate101 website! Wow! Kingsisle is becoming even more involved with the community. I think that's great :) I'm sure other game teams don't even ask for that much from the community. That's why Kingsisle is the best game team in the world :) (if aliens play video games- the universe)! See you in the Spiral.

Halloween- November!

Hello there!

First off, I would like to say Happy Halloween! I hope all of you have a great spooktacular Halloween and a safe one at that! I'm excited to say that the updates for this site is going to be made. I'm going to keep the posts though :) Do you see how I make my posts? A little bit random and interesting to read (I hope)! I'm going to keep that! There are going to be quite a few things I'm going to change though. I'm going to add a little bit of guides, not much I don't want to look too much like the other Fansites! I'm also going to change the background, header and all of the color on this blog. A few weeks ago I asked you all what I needed to change on this blog. New Header, New background with a mix of Pirate101 and Wizard101 together and more information on the Wizard101 and Pirate101 pages. All of those will be added :) I really do hope you like the changes! One last thing I'm hoping will come true with this update and a Fansite acceptance! With your help that can happen :) Its all about you! I will be submitting my site one last time to Pirate101, and if not accepted I won't submit again. Not because I'm mad, because I really want to enjoy blogging without worrying! If you could please do these steps below on comments. I really need your advice!

  1. Comment Step 1- What to remove!
  2. Comment Step 2- What to Add!
  3. Comment Step 3- Your favorite post

It would mean a lot if you did. I would like to see what you come up with! Thanks again everyone, it means a lot that you're reading this blog! I wish I could show you how much I'm glad that all of you are following or reading this blog! See you around the Spiral and once again...