February 1, 2013

Pirate101 Newsletter (February 2013)

Ahoy Pirates!

Kingsisle released another newsletter for February! Kingsisle says this month is going to be a great month (wonder if that means updates), and they talked about all of the great small updates they had last month. They've released many new things today.. from a new YouTube video to Frogfather Friday . I can't wait to see all of the other surprises they have for us this month! Before I get ahead of myself here's the new video:

This is a great commercial about information that I don't think any of us knew about Captain Avery! Read more of the Pirate101 Newsletter by clicking on Librarian Adelmo or the link below him. Enjoy :)

January 31, 2013

New Pirate101 Contest!

Ahoy Pirates!

I've been thinking about a new Pirate101 contest that would be a lot of fun and a lot easier than most contests that I usually do. This contest would be my own contests that I like having with membership cards/ crown cards! I am going to give away two $10 Pirate101 gift cards. This is going to be a fun contest because everyone can enter this easy contest! Here's more details about the great contest:

The Pirate101 Epic Photo Contest is the new contest that I'm going to have! With this contest you have to log on Pirate101 and take a picture of the most epic thing on the game (critical attack, view, anything epic). This should be a great fun contest for everyone and it shows how great the game really is! 

When does the contest start?

Today, January 31st 2013

When I take an epic picture how do I send you the picture?

Send it to my email: admin@edwardlifegem.com Please include one picture and only one entry.
Include your Pirate's name and level! 

When does the contest end?

February 14th 2013 

I hope all of you have fun with this contest and if you have any questions comment below!

Wizard101 Pack-A-Palooza

Pack-A-Palooza is back from now until February 10th, 2013! You can save up to 50% off of all game card packs including the Nightmare and Yuletide packs. Wizard101 will release a new pack for us called The Skyvern's Hoard too. Kingsisle said that there will be partner giveaways too! I'm guessing they mean Fansites when they say that :) Make sure to check them out and buy the new pack when the Skyvern pack is released! Until the Skyvern Pack is released, make sure to redeem your free item Kingsisle has to offer before February 4th, 2013. Thank you Kingsisle for the free item! :)