July 6, 2014

5th Of July Party Recap!

Hello Wizards!

Yesterday I made a short blog post about a party Blaze Shadowhorn from Tales of the Spiral was planning on throwing last night. I can't believe how many people were there at the event! We had a lot of fun and the party had a nice turnout. :) I took a lot of pictures when I was there and I thought I'd share them with you. :D There are photos of the pre-party and a few events that happened at the event.. :) Thank you Blaze for taking time during the middle of night where you are to have this event and get the community together! :D

July 5, 2014

Tales of the Spiral's 5th of July Party!

Hello Wizards!

I hope you all had a great 4th of July. I know I did! My town had wonderful fireworks and I ended up having a bonfire and eating smores and then shooting off fireworks of my own. I think yesterday was one of the best 4th of July's I've ever had. Anyways.. Today is usually the boring day when you have nothing to do and most likely you're sitting down reading this post thinking about why today is a boring day... that all changes right... now!! :D Today, Blaze Shadowhorn from Tales of the Spiral is hosting a 5th of July party! I think this will be a lot of fun since most likely most of you have nothing else to do (I'm guessing that because I didn't have anything to do today- just like the day after Christmas). I hope you all show up to Blaze's party, he's planning on having a few contests too! If you would like more information, click the image attached below! I hope to see you there, I plan on going on my life wizard. :D

July 4, 2014

5th Wizardversary!

Hello Wizards,

Today is officially my 5th Wizardversary which means I've played Wizard101 for 5 years!! I still can't believe I've played Wizard101 this long, I've had so much fun on the game and hope I stay at least another 5 years. :) A lot of things have happened on the game since I started and I'm happy that I've been here to experience all of them. I'm also happy I have this blog to let you all know how I'm doing on the game, what I think of the game and many more things. Thank you all for supporting my blog and myself all of these years that you've known me! I also want to thank Kingsisle for two awesome awesome games, Wizard101 and Pirate101. I discovered Pirate101 through Wizard101 and I'm happy I can play both games. I hope you're reading this KI, because I want all of you to know that I appreciate all of the hard work you put into the game, from mounts and new school houses to shadow magic and advanced housing. Thank you! :)

I've also had many events on Wizard101 that I really had fun at such as my Birthday Party (which was July 28th, not November 28th :P) Autumn Dreamwalker hosted, leveling to level 100 and many more things that I want to remember by putting on this blog post.. Thank you everyone for the awesome time. :)