Today is officially my 5th Wizardversary which means I've played Wizard101 for 5 years!! I still can't believe I've played Wizard101 this long, I've had so much fun on the game and hope I stay at least another 5 years. :) A lot of things have happened on the game since I started and I'm happy that I've been here to experience all of them. I'm also happy I have this blog to let you all know how I'm doing on the game, what I think of the game and many more things. Thank you all for supporting my blog and myself all of these years that you've known me! I also want to thank Kingsisle for two awesome awesome games, Wizard101 and Pirate101. I discovered Pirate101 through Wizard101 and I'm happy I can play both games. I hope you're reading this KI, because I want all of you to know that I appreciate all of the hard work you put into the game, from mounts and new school houses to shadow magic and advanced housing. Thank you! :)

I've also had many events on Wizard101 that I really had fun at such as my Birthday Party (which was July 28th, not November 28th :P) Autumn Dreamwalker hosted, leveling to level 100 and many more things that I want to remember by putting on this blog post.. Thank you everyone for the awesome time. :)

Happy Wizardversary!!!
God this post brought back memories. So happy for you bro! Congrats on your 5th Wizaversary!! :)
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