July 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Pirate101's Super Beta Bash!

Ahoy Pirates!

Today I thought I would make a Throwback Thursday post about a party I went to on the game before it was released to the public. Most of you know that I participated in the Pirate101 Beta in 2012 (still can't believe it's been almost two years) and as Beta players we had to test out many things before the game was released to everyone. I will always remember Pirate101's Beta because it was a lot of fun testing out a game as a Beta for the first time. Closer to the last day of Beta, a few of the fansites: Stormgate Pirates, Pirate101 Skyways and Ambrose2Zeke had a Beta party! This party was a lot of fun and I got to talk to a lot of pirates during the event. I also took a few screenshots of the event. If you know me now, I take about 100 screenshots at one event, but back then I only took a few of them. I wish I had more pictures to share, but I do have a few pictures on another post I made in 2012. This event was a lot of fun and this is another reason I have this blog to remember all of the wonderful events I went to. If you would like to see a few of the screenshots of the event, click on the image below! :D

1 comment:

Chrissy The Blesser said...

Thank you for sharing. I am still dealing with the rejection of not getting chosen. A Pirate's heart is not as barnacled as they lead you to believe. :D
So glad you have these wonderful memories.
Chrissy The Blesser