August 5, 2015

Barkingham Palace (Pt. 1 - State Wing)

Hello Wizards!

Many of you know that I had a long break from blogging (and some part of the game) the end of last year to the month of May this year. During that time, I didn't quest through a few areas such as Barkingham Palace that seems old to players now, but they are new to me. I really don't think 6 months ago was a long time ago (I don't even think 2005 was a long time ago :P), so yesterday I decided to quest through the Barkingham Palace for the very first time with my Life and Death wizards! :D

Many of you already know about the Barkingham Palace quest, but I'll talk a little about it for anyone that doesn't know. We have to help Sherlock Bones and Watson from Marleybone find an Opera Singer that might be stealing jewels from the Queen. This dungeon really wasn't a difficult one when you had to fight the mobs (since they didn't cheat). The bosses were a little difficult, especially since this is a level 40+ dungeon. I think anybody that wants a challenge or extra experience should try this dungeon out. I'm sure I'm repeating what many bloggers said in the past, but I am still shocked we were allowed into the Barkingham Palace!

I started Wizard101 in 2009, so I had plenty of theories of what the area would look like. I had a feeling there would be dungeons in the area, so it was pretty awesome to enter it for the first time! The boss in this dungeon was pretty easy to defeat even though they cheated since my Life and Death wizards are well over the 40th level. I found out that the Opera Singer wasn't the bad one, and Dr. Jackall was the bad one that wanted the Queen's jewels and he ran to another dungeon, The Main Hall. I'll make a post about that sometime later! :) I'm not really going to follow the storyline or even tweet this post out, just because I want to remember this as a memory of what I thought about the dungeon, not the storyline itself. I'm probably going to talk more about the Barkingham Palace storyline on my next few posts since this dungeon was a little short. :) Until then, I'll see you around the spiral!

August 4, 2015

Edward Cringle Makes It To Marleybone!

Ahoy Pirates!

I was bored one day and decided to log onto Pirate101 and quest through Mooshu and now my swashbuckler is currently in Marleybone.. KIDDING! There's no way I could quest that fast and never will on my swashbuckler because he's my walkthrough character. :) I did however make it to Marleybone during Frostcaller's NXP event!

I've had many blog posts over the past few years about my swashbuckler and thought it would be fun to do a few other things with this character: such as join events, try PvP and other awesome things on Pirate101. A few days ago I had a chance to try something new by attending Frostcaller's amazing event on my swashbuckler! I heard something about his event a few days before but was so busy I didn't get a chance to reply or even share his event with everyone reading. I am glad he tweeted a reminder because I would have never known or hit the Nautical Level I've been trying for about a month or so! 

This event was A LOT of fun and there were plenty of pirates there enjoying the event as much as I was. :D Edward Cringle actually nautical leveled from 39 to 45! I've been using companions to help my pirate nautical level since I was behind on it because I wanted to make as many walkthrough posts since I didn't have anything else to blog about before. I have a lot more now, but I'm still glad I went to his amazing event. I had a few issues during this NXP event since I'm a low level for this area, but I still think it was a lot of fun. Before I forget and ramble on.. Here's a link to Frostcaller's Recap Post! :D Thank you Frosty for the great event and thank you all for reading my recap post! :D

Cody Shadowstaff's El Toro during an epic hit! 

August 3, 2015

NXP Welcome Back Event!

Ahoy Pirates!

Did you know Autumn Walker from Secrets of the Spiral is back and blogging again?!! She is and she is coming back with one of her amazing events. We'll both be hosting an NXP Welcome Back event to farm Spartacos for nautical experience, scrip and gear if needed, in Aquila. There will also be contests such as a scavenger hunt at Autumn Walker's Haunted Grotto house. Lets see how many pirates we can get in the game..! Here's more information about the event:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2:00 P.M. CST (3:00 P.M. Eastern)

Archaen Skyway in the One-Eyed Jack Realm near Captain Spartacos for half of the time, and the other half of the time will be spent of Autumn's Haunted Grotto for contests!

- Meet in Avery's Court, One-Eyed Jack Realm before the event if you need a port there. Add Edward, my witchdoctor, or Autumn Walker.