September 30, 2017

Wizard101's 9th Birthday Contest Winners

Hello Wizards!

I want to thank all of you for entering my recent art contest - Wizard101's 9th Birthday Contest - it amazes me to see how talented all of you are. I couldn't give everyone something, but I was fair in judging. Thank you so much for entering the contest and following the rules! Here are the winners:

Grand Prize: Keira Breeze
50,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Mount + Random Beckett Wand

2nd Prize: Saffron Taleweaver
25,000 Crowns + Random Pack + Random Beckett Wand

3rd - 5th Prizes: 
 Random Beckett Wand + Random Pack

Zachary Unicornbreeze

Cody Sandward

Bad Terri Jones

The winners listed above are the Winners of this Contest! I thank you all for your hard work on this contest. We had more entries for this art contest, which was shocking, but also amazing. I'm going to make an additional post soon showing off the other amazing entries (and a Raffle of those, including the last three on this post to win a $10 W101 Gift Card). Thank you all for your hard work. I have sent the code email to the winners. :)

September 28, 2017

Halloween Run: One More Month (Saturday, October 28th)

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful week. I've been busy with a lot of real-life priorities, but I've also been working hard on preparing for the Halloween Run. Things are running smoothly and we're currently ahead of schedule. Today I wanted to make a post update to let you know what you should do before attending this year's Halloween Run.

Read The Official Halloween Run Schedule

This is an important part to know exactly what exactly will take place during this day. All other small activities will be announced on the stream, but I want all of you to know what exactly to do when we start an activity. Please read the Halloween Run Post, linked below, and let your friends that are planning on attending to do the same thing. I want everything to run smoothly and not be confusing. 

Watch The Halloween Run Guide

The Halloween Run Guide Video will show exactly where we'll be running for the Nightmare Before Christmas Run in the morning AND the Halloween Run later in the evening. Please watch this video and follow every rule in the video so you know where to run. A lot of people have been confused where to run, but this year we promoted the video a lot more than usual. Please watch the video below before the Halloween Run.

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

As many of you already know, I am planning on streaming the Halloween Run this year. I have been promoting my YouTube Channel over the past few months so you know where exactly I'll be streaming. This stream will somewhat be a guide, but I hope you all pay attention to the game as well. I love chatting with you all on there over YouTube chat. Please stay family-friendly!

Keep It Family Friendly

In the past, we've had people bully, use bad language, and send death threats. This is a thing of the past. Our future events will include Hall Monitors and I expect everyone to report those who are doing things such as this, no question. Ignore and Report. Don't give any attention to them because they've had enough. If you participate in this, you'll be sent from the after party houses, reported, and potentially muted OR banned. Please stay family-friendly. This is a family game and we'll be having family events. You may get away with that type of behavior elsewhere, but you will not get away with it with me.

I hope to see you at the event.We're working hard for you!

September 25, 2017

Wizard101: Halloween Run Help Meetup - TODAY

Hello Wizards!

I'm making this blog post to let you know that the Halloween Run Help Meetup will take place TODAY. We're having this meetup to prepare for this large event. Keep reading for more information such as meetup location/time and what exactly we need help with. I've also provided an image at the bottom of the post that you click on to access the Halloween Run post.

TODAY at 6:00 pm CST
Nightside, Vampire Realm

Port Wizards: We need help getting port wizards to teleport everyone to the afterparty right after the Halloween Run. We'll need you to check back and make sure you got everyone in each area so nobody is left behind. We'll have different groups of port wizards, which we'll discuss tonight at the meetup.
YouTube Moderators: If you know commands/prior moderator experience, I'll need help moderating the Halloween Run Youtube Chat when I stream this event. I'm planning on streaming every weekend during October so if you'd like to test that out with me before the event itself, we can do that.  I'll provide more information about what we need help on tonight at the meetup. If you're not able to attend tonight and are able to help without cancelation at last moment, email me: