September 25, 2017

Wizard101: Halloween Run Help Meetup - TODAY

Hello Wizards!

I'm making this blog post to let you know that the Halloween Run Help Meetup will take place TODAY. We're having this meetup to prepare for this large event. Keep reading for more information such as meetup location/time and what exactly we need help with. I've also provided an image at the bottom of the post that you click on to access the Halloween Run post.

TODAY at 6:00 pm CST
Nightside, Vampire Realm

Port Wizards: We need help getting port wizards to teleport everyone to the afterparty right after the Halloween Run. We'll need you to check back and make sure you got everyone in each area so nobody is left behind. We'll have different groups of port wizards, which we'll discuss tonight at the meetup.
YouTube Moderators: If you know commands/prior moderator experience, I'll need help moderating the Halloween Run Youtube Chat when I stream this event. I'm planning on streaming every weekend during October so if you'd like to test that out with me before the event itself, we can do that.  I'll provide more information about what we need help on tonight at the meetup. If you're not able to attend tonight and are able to help without cancelation at last moment, email me:

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