September 15, 2017

Decorating For The Halloween Run

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having an amazing Friday and looking forward to the weekend. I've actually taken time during the weekends to decorate for the Halloween Run. As many of you know, we are planning on having an after party after the Run itself and I wanted to be prepared for that.

Last year I didn't finish decorating my Darkmoor Manor for the Halloween Run. Lately, I've been spending a few times on the game to prepare my house as best as I can for you all to look at. Now, my houses will never even come close to the awesome houses made by Paige Moonshade, Fallon Fireblade, Frostcaller or many others, but I'm still trying to make it look as Halloweenish as possible. I'm planning on having a Group Photo Contest for this event (just after the Halloween Run) and I'm still trying to decorate an area for that group photo. I'll announce more details about this group photo contest the closer the time gets here. 

 We still have well over a month until the Halloween Run and we're still preparing all of the details. It's going to be an amazing event and I hope you all are ready for it. I do think this event will be one of the best events we'll ever throw. Everybody is invited, but keep in mind that this event will be a family-friendly event and we will have Hall Monitors in attendance. No Bad Language, Bullying, or anything like that. You all can behave and have fun, I know it! Let's put all of that behind us and have fun! I should get back to decorating. Until next time, I'll see you around the Spiral -- Click anywhere on the poster below for more information about the Halloween Run.

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