I hope you're having an amazing day! I've been busy with classes, but today has still been a great day. I wanted to make a short blog post about an event that I attended yesterday in Wizard101. Christopher Bluetail had a meetup/party for Twitter Wizards aka Twizards!
Everyone was supposed to meetup in the Commons and I was almost late, but I made it for a few minutes with my storm wizard, Edward Stormgem! I can't tell you how much I love attending events - even our own - all events from everyone are a great way to bring the community together. Anyway, Christopher teleported all of us from the Commons to his Massively Fantasy Palace to participate in Housing Games and PvP!

I had no idea that he planned giveaways during this event until I won the Scavenger Hunt. I gave my prize (a game card pack) to the second winner. I was doing all of this for fun, plus it was fun to play with Castle Magic and take screenshots. I took about twenty of them only to use three on this blog post! Sadly, I had to leave around the time PvP started, but I enjoyed logging on for a bit to interact and have fun. I am glad the community still has events like these just to bring people together. Thank you, Christopher!
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