Hello Wizards!
I hope you're having a wonderful Labor Day. It's forecast to rain today, so my plans are to be inside planning for events & ideas for blog posts throughout this month. Speaking of events and blog posts, I'd like to talk about a very special event that I attended yesterday, the Decaversary SpiralRadio101 Event.
SpiralRadio101 is an Official Wizard101 Podcast that streams every Wednesday at 8:45 pm Central on Twitch. The hosts, Stephen Spiritcaller and Christina Icedreamer (Icywiz), put on an amazing event stream for Wizard101's 10th Birthday. Yesterday was also Icywiz's Birthday so we got to celebrate two birthdays in one event! :D
After a bit, we got to teleport to Icy's Massive Fantasy Palace. This castle was connected to other castles where you could run through each teleporter to access different freebies. I made my way back to the Massive Fantasy Palace after I visited all of the castles. Once I made it back, I began taking many screenshots of all of the wizards at this amazingly decorated castle.

Everyone got to PvP, play housing games, and more while at the party. Prizes were given away to attendees in Twitch as well. This event really reminded me of an old Ravenwood Radio afterparty event. These would occur after every show they would host. They are the first streamers in this community and this year Ravenwood Radio & SpiralRadio101 turns 9 years old this October. That's 9 years of streaming! Congratulations on such an amazing podcast. I thank you for an amazing event as well. If anyone reading this post would like to follow SpiralRadio101 on Twitch, feel free to click on the link below. I hope to see you attending other fansite events as well - you'll find new fansite events every weekend this month.
SpiralRadio101's Twitch