September 7, 2018

Wizard101 Launches On Steam!

Hello Wizards!

Yesterday, September 6th, 2018, Kingsisle officially released Wizard101 to Steam. This was a great move by Kingsisle in the right direction in terms of promotion of the game. Wizard101 made it to the Most Popular New Release this morning and it was also charting at #1 among other categories such as Massively Multiplayer and Free-To-Play.

Wizard101 was also on the front page of the Steam Website. The current ratings are positive and the game is currently on page two of the top-selling free-to-play games! It's nice to see Wizard101 beating even new games in popularity. The game is a great game and it seems that the paywall didn't stop many people from buying the game. So a major congratulations to Kingsisle on making such an amazing game. Here's to many more new wizards joining the game! 

View Wizard101 On Steam

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