September 2, 2018

Happy 10th Birthday, Wizard101!

Hello Wizards!

Today is a very special day because Wizard101 is officially 10 years old. While the game was created before this time, it wasn't until September 2nd, 2008 that Wizard101 was released to the public. It's amazing to see this amazing game has been here for 10 years. Congratulations, Kingsisle, on such a successful game.

All of us have many amazing memories of this game. Wizard101 has provided a lot of us with amazing memories - whether it's the first time you met your lifelong friend or even deciding a career path. There are many in the community that has done both of these things and more. It's a very special community! So today, I thought I'd list a few of my favorite things about this amazing game.

The release of mounts back in 2009 was a huge deal for me. It was my very first time accessing a test realm and being able to spend over 200,000 crowns (which Kingsisle allowed on the test realm at the time) on all of the new mounts. They only offered a few mounts, a few of which were the broom mounts. Many wizards zoomed to the test realm to see these mounts, which we didn't have on the live server. Mount races took place all over the place! Kingsisle adding mounts to the game was one of their best updates. Today we have so many different mounts, but this shows just how much Kingsisle is improving this game with their amazing updates.

I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again. The Diary of a Wizard events has been one of my favorite memories of the game. They inspired so many people, including myself, to have events of their own. There are many people today that events and this what makes Wizard101 as amazing as it is. Events throughout the community are put together to bring everyone together to celebrate the game that we love. It's nice to see all of these events whether they've been here awhile or they've just started. Memories are being made! This community is one main reason there have been 10 years of the Spiral.

There are so many wonderful memories that I'd love to share on this post that I couldn't even fit all of them. I've made so many great friends, especially when I've needed them the most. Thank you, Kingsisle, for creating such an amazing game. There are many people across different religious backgrounds, nations, and more in this amazing community. No matter who we are, what we believe, or where we are from, we'll always be one community. The Wizard101 Community. Here's to many more years of Wizard101. :)

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