September 15, 2018

Wizard101 Questing Streams: Where We Ended Up (Week 1)

Hello Wizards!

Last Tuesday, Autumn and I started questing with an entire group of wizards. We asked everyone to create new wizards so we could quest together in-game. We picked up the first quest from Headmaster Ambrose and started questing together through Unicorn Way & Triton Avenue.

Our last stream was a lot of fun! As I've stated, we started our main quests and ended up questing through Unicorn Way and Triton Avenue. We didn't do any side quests, as we plan on doing those on our own. Our main goal is to try to get the main quests out of the way every Tuesday and then do the side quests that we miss on our own time. However, we did complete one side quest that gave us our first bottle & we trained spells that would help us with questing. Now that I've made a little bit of a recap, let's talk about where we ended up on our last stream and when we'll be streaming again.

"Who's in Charge?"


Your Task Before The Next Stream
Complete side quests in Unicorn Way & Triton Avenue

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