September 25, 2018

Wizard101's 10th Anniversary: Part 3

Hello Wizards!

Kingsisle has officially released the Wizard101 10th Anniversary Part 3 video. This video is more of a behind the scenes look of Empyrea Part 2. Feel free to watch this awesome new video below! Thank you, Kingsisle, for all of your hard work on this amazing game. I'm sure this next new world will be amazing. :D

September 24, 2018

The Untold Spiral: Decaversary Event Recap

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful day. Today I wanted to talk about an event that I was able to attend over the weekend. Vanessa Mythdust, from The Untold Spiral, had an awesome Scavenger & Tag event. This event was the final part of the Wizard101 Decaversary Fansite Celebrations.

We all started gathering in Golem Court early in the afternoon to wait for Vanessa's event. The wait wasn't long at all! It seemed like as soon as I arrived, Vanessa was ready to teleport everyone to the house. Now, if you know me, you'll know that I love taking screenshots. I took so many screenshots of this event that even if I made 20 blog posts like this one, I would still have screenshots to use. There's really a backstory of why I take so many screenshots at events... before I tell you why let's talk about what happened at the party.

Vanessa quickly teleported everyone to her Battlemage Keep Castle. Here she started housing games up and the winners of each housing game would win 3-5 packs of their choice! We played Wildfire Tag and Zeke's Scavenger Hunt. I think my favorite game was the Wildfire Tag since I wasn't participating to win a prize. I got to turn everyone I could into a fire elf! :D So everytime someone would win a game, everyone would go back and line up near the housing games for the next game announcement. 

This event was a lot of fun. Sadly I had to leave early because I'm still getting over being sick. But I still had a lot of fun at this event. I take many screenshots of community events like these because I was unable to take screenshots during the first few events I attended when I joined the community. I love having these screenshots for the wonderful memories made. Thank you, Vanessa, for this wonderful event. If y'all would like to check out Vanessa's site, feel free to click on the link below.

Vanessa Mythdust's Site

Edward Strong: First Week Of Side Quests

Ahoy Pirates!

I apologize for the lack of posts over the past few weeks. I was planning on making new blog posts last week, but I ended up catching a sickness going around. I'm slowly, but surely, starting to feel better. Today, I decided to start side questing my new bucanneer, Edward Strong.

Edward Strong is a recently created character for our Thursday Pirate101 questing streams. Autumn and I asked everyone to create a pirate a few weeks ago and we quested together on these new pirates. We leveled up to five for both pirate and nautical level. If you would like to read more about where we ended up a few weeks ago, feel free to click on the link below. We'll be streaming this Thursday (9/28/18) so we hope you're able to join us!

I started side questing my pirate today. While I was unable to complete all of the side quests, I was able to complete a few that leveled me up to level six. I wasn't much of a side quest type of person when I joined Kingsisle's games, but now I am starting to love them. They level you up so you're more powerful on the main quest fights. It's not always nice being defeated during big boss fights. Either way, I don't think I'll be defeated with the help of being a higher level and questing with an amazing group of people. I am looking forward to our next questing stream. Speaking of streams, I should fix a few of my stream settings. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways.