September 26, 2016

College Update + The Debate!


Long time, no talk.. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in nearly a month. You would not believe how busy I've been with homework and tests. All is going well, I still have A's in all of my classes! ;) I'll talk more about managing to keep those A's in another post but I decided to talk about something else today.

The Debates

How many of you are looking forward to watching the debate tonight? I am looking forward to it. I won't tell you who I'm voting for, but I do wish both candidates good luck tonight. 100 million people will be watching the Debate tonight across multiple platforms, according to ABC. So, you most likely know somebody that's going to watch the debate tonight at 9/8 Central.

I wanted to finish my homework before this debate because I thought it would be nice to support the candidate that I want to vote for which is Kanye West. JK. I had to include something here to brighten the mood.

I think I need to stop talking before I tell you who I'm really voting for. :P I do encourage everyone that's voting age to watch the debates tonight. It's also good to do research before you vote for who you want to vote for. After you do all of that, go and vote for who you think is the right candidate! That person who wins will be leading the most powerful and free country in the world for four years.

Now... This video below is all for good fun. I wish both of them good luck at the debates! Don't worry about me offending anyone, I'm just including this video for good fun. I actually laughed and I'm voting for one of them. Dance Off!!

September 12, 2016

Alphacat: Free Crowns!

Hi there!

Kingsisle is giving away 101 free non-transferrable crowns to all Wizard101 and Pirate101 players for the launch of Alphacat! I am still planning on testing it out after all of this homework - I'm really looking forward to it! Thank you, Kingsisle, for the free crowns and the awesome mobile games! I heard nothing but great things about this game. Go ahead and check this new mobile game out by clicking on the image below. :)

September 4, 2016

Pirate101: Arrrgust Whale Contest Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

Thank you all for entering my Pirate101 Contest. Thank you to everyone who followed the rules of my Arrrgust Whale Contest. I'm glad over 50 of you followed the rules of this contest. Now.. I'm sure you're ready for the winners of the answer to the Whale Contest. First, here are the questions & answers. Keep scrolling for the winners! All winners have already been emailed their codes. :)

Question 1:
These whales are usually black or dark brown with streaks of paler color on their lateral sides, and a distinctly paler belly. It has a notably pointed rostrum and a single ridge on its head. What type of whale is this?

Antartic Minke Whale

Question 2:
This whale is one of the largest animals to have ever existed on Earth. This whale usually feeds on the smallest Animal. What type of whale is this?

Blue Whale

Question 3:
These whales are found in tropical and subtropical waters in all of the world's oceans. They are rarely found near the coast except in areas where deep waters come close to the shore, for example, oceanic islands like Hawaii. What type of whale is this?

 Pygmy Killer Whale


1st Prize Winner
10,000 Crowns + Permanent Pygmy Whale
Pretty Marissa

2nd Prize Winner
10,000 Crowns + Permanent Pygmy Whale
Kendrick HIFIGhost

3rd-7th Prize Winners
2,500 Crowns + 7-Day Rental Pygmy Whale
Danish Captain Jenkins
Soualhi Ibrahim
Kai D.
Amy Bak