February 18, 2019

SpiralVision - A New Chapter

Hi there!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. My weekend, and really the past few weeks, have been extremely busy. Things have since slowed down which has now allowed me time to make new blog posts! Today I wanted to make a quick blog post to share a SpiralVision video with all of you! Click on the play button below to watch the video. Thank you all again for all of the support you've shown us! Let's continue making the community the best place to be. :)

February 17, 2019

Wizard101: St. Patrick's Day Event 2019 - Sunday, March 17th

Hello Wizards!

I hope all of you have been having a great month! This year has been flying by. I can't believe that we're already nearing March! With that, I've decided that today (about a month before St. Patrick's Day) would be a great day to announce our first event of the year - our St. Patrick's Day event!

Sunday, March 17th
4:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Eastern

Ravenwood, Leprechaun Realm
(Multi-Area Event)

Official Stream?

Spread the word! I hope y'all are able to make it to our first event of the year. Dye your gear green and wear all green if you think you'll be able to attend. In the meantime, I'm going to prepare for our 4th Annual Bunny Run + improve the quality of our streams. I'm planning on purchasing a new microphone and hopefully switching up our streaming software. I am hopeful that this year will be a great year! Thank you all again for your support. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. :) 

February 9, 2019

Wizard101: Valentine's Art Contest Winners!

Hello Wizards!

Today I'm happy to announce the winners of my recent Art Contest. I'd like to thank our awesome community manager for giving me codes to giveaway to the winners of this contest. Congratulations to all three winners - and thank you all for putting so much hard work into your art.

1st Prize: Sophia Dreamcrafter
15,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

2nd Prize: Sofia Firewalker
10,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

3rd Prize: Kaitlyn Miststone
5,000 Crowns + Lovely Leopard Pet

Congratulations to the three winners above! You did an amazing job. Thank you for following the rules of including a well-drawn drawing + sharing your love for the game & community. Thank you all for putting so much work into your drawings. We truly have amazing artists in the community. I hope all of you a Happy Valentine's Day! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

Check Back Tomorrow (2/10/19) for a Video Of Honorable Mentions