August 24, 2018

Pirate101 Lives - 2018 Edition!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a wonderful Friday. Last month, Kingsisle hinted that they're working on an update for the game, but couldn't show us because they weren't quite ready to share it with us. There has been some speculation that Kingsisle could share a little something with us for the next Kingsisle Live which will take place on Thursday, August 30th.

The first thing we need to do is accept that Kingsisle has finally found the direction that they want to go and they're starting to work on the game again. There's no disputing that Pirate101 has lost a lot of players, but that wasn't because the game is a bad game. It's such an amazing game that many players, even after years of no new world updates, have stuck around waiting for a new update. That's a game to be proud of. I'm glad that Kingsisle sees that! So for now, let's talk about a few things that have been posted on the official Pirate101 Message Boards by our awesome community manager, Bat!

A Sign That Pirate101 Is Being Worked On
If you make your way to the Pirate101 Message Boards, you'll see a thread made by "HardyMarkScupper" about Blind Mew. Years ago, Blind Mew would post on the official message boards with little hints of what could be coming in Pirate101's future. Hardy Mark asked if Blind Mew would ever return. It was met with a few responses, and one in particular by our community manager:

This is really a confirmation that Blind Mew is working on the game! I'd say that is the best news that Pirates have received in years. Blind Mew works on the story, so could that mean we might get a main world or our first side world? At this point, as long as long as they make content, I wouldn't mind! Anyway, Bat went on to state that he and Professor Falmea finished working on the Script for next week's Kingsisle Live. Do you think they'll share a little bit of gameplay of a new possible world/side world from the development server? Or do you think they'll hint at it and share that sometime in September? I guess we'll just have to tune in and watch! Thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

Thursday, August 30th at 4:00 pm Central

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