August 28, 2018

Special Announcement: Twitch Stream Schedule

Hi there!

A few weeks ago, Autumn Dreamwalker & I announced that we had plans to do weekly streams on Twitch. We've decided to make it official and today we're announcing our new weekly streaming schedule! I hope you're able to join us on this new adventure. Keep scrolling for more information:

Official Streaming Schedule: We're proud to announce that we will be streaming Wizard101, Pirate101, and eventually other games multiple times every week! This is going to be a new adventure for us, but I'm sure it'll be amazing. Our current plans are to stream every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Our first stream is set to take place on Tuesday, September 4th at 6:00 pm Central! We hope you're able to join us! Here's our Official Twitch Streaming Schedule:

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays
6:00 pm Central - 8:00 pm Central

Streaming Weekly/Holidays Off: We'll be streaming weekly, but the days leading up to a major Holiday or on a Holiday are off limits. I firmly believe that everyone should be hanging out with their families around this time. Either way, we'll still be streaming on Twitch every week. We may have a few Holiday surprises in addition to our events just for those who watch the stream.

Events Will Still Occur: Our Holiday-Themed events will still occur throughout the year. There will be days that we take off from our original streaming schedules for one of our Holiday Events. For example, this year's Halloween Run will take place on a Sunday. Instead of streaming at our regular time, we'll be streaming the Halloween Run instead. There is also a section on Twitch called "Upcoming Events" in which there will always be a graphic of our upcoming events. 

Subscribing To The Channel: You can now subscribe to the channel if you wish! We're still in the process of setting something up for those who do subscribe and/or follow the channel. In the meantime, keep an eye out for an announcement closer towards the end of September or early October for that. Thank you to everyone who shows support whether they're subscribed, followed, cheer, or are here chatting with us! Your support is equally amazing! Here's to a bright streaming future. :)

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