October 8, 2012

Pirate101 Head-Start Begins!


Pirate101 has finally released their head-start for players that were in Beta testing! That's not the only people that get to play Pirate101 early though. Pirates that bought the Boochbeard or Gandry Bundle, purchased a prepaid card, or redeem a Pirate101 certificate also get to participate in the one week head-start lasting from Today tothe morning of October 15th. (One week from now)

What can you do to start playing Pirate101 right now?

Good luck and I hope to see you in the Spiral soon. Pirate101 is a great game and you really should try your best to get one of the items above! Even if you don't want to play the one week head-start you should get one when Pirate101 is released October 15th!

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