November 4, 2012

End of the Year Contest begins!

Ahoy Pirates! Here's one of the contests I'm having! All you have to do is follow this blog or leave a blog post comment, you'll have until December 25th to enter. It will be on this post for awhile. (Note: Time may be changed) If you win you get a $10 Pirate101 Gift Card, Good luck! I'm watching to see if you follow or leave a blog comment telling everyone what your favorite thing about Pirate101 is. You may now.... ENTER!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Contest Update: January 31st, 2013

This contest happened long ago but don't worry contest winners of the contest will be announced on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2013. This is exactly two weeks from now. Good luck everyone!


Unknown said...

My favourite thing about Pirate101 is the battle combatives! I love watching critical attacks!! :D

Duncan StormThief said...

My fav thinh on p101 is building ships and sailing through skies :)

Nicholas LionRider said...

Crowns are always fun. :P

Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts said...

oh erm. Graphics. and the tactics. It's like Chess *turns into a chess nerd (not literally)*. :3

Anonymous said...

I don't have a 'favorite' thing but I do have a 'favourite' thing. I like the different style of combat KingsIsle have brought to the board with Pirate101, don't get me wrong, I play Wizard101 for the spell card animations, but Pirate101 is just a complete different gameplay and requires a lot more strategy, which I like, such as Hound of the Baskervilles and Professor Layton.
Sorry, this turned into a ramble.

Unknown said...

I love companions and figuring the best tactics for the ones that show up in each battle.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part about Pirate101 has to be the Companions! I love how most of the time they differentiate by class. Nice new design btw. ;)

Nora said...

hi, i would love to win a gift card :D

Emma said...

My favorite thing are the companions. They are like free henchman.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about Pirate101 is meeting up with friends. I have the best friends in the world, and there is nothing from the Crown Shop that would make me change my mind! :)

Ernis said...

My favourite thing about Pirate101 is the strategy you use in battles, and promoting companions. Also my passion to complete things (aka quests.) :)

The Deadly theurgist said...

My Favorite thing is definitely gaining a new companion, its so much fun to test the out and see their criticals. And besides who wouldn't want another Dog pirate or crab thug to join their crew.

Mason S. said...

STORYLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is awesome!

Star Edward said...

Love your contest Ed, always fun to enter them!
Thanks for having this contest, you give persons a chance who aren't so fortunate to get a gift card to actually have access to one...that's really cool! For that..I thank you :D
Okay..with Pirate 101, I love everything in it...its almost perfect!
The worlds, the people, companions, the community, the ability to customize characters and ships, flying ships and even questing! Can you imagine? Questing?!
But my favorite thing? Its hard to decide but that would have to be the.......questing aspect, its really awesome, the storyline is really interesting...makes you look you look forward to playing everytime and I know those who play the game would agree :)

Good luck to all those who enter! :D

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing to do in Pirate101 is to learn new talents for Commodore. I can heal more people and do more strong attacks.

tatiana shadowflame said...

My favorite thing about p101, is actually the scenery. I love entering a new area and looking around at the amazing graphics. kingsisle did a wonderful job.

Nora said...

ship fights with friends in groups :)

Blaze Shadowhorn said...

I love how in Pirate101, KI made many motion picture clips that play at various moments throughout your time in Pirate101. In addition to this, I love the puppet shows which are amazing!

Thanks for the contest Ed!

Cole Crow said...

My favorite thing about Pirate101? DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! I LOVE IT ALL! IT IS TRULY AWESOME!

~Cole Crowcoin

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about pirate101 is how it is unique from wizard101 the battle style is more physical (In my hand) and in wizard101 is more magic like and has various of cards. Kingsisle has certainly improved their graphics from wizard101 to pirate101! I also like the spiral history in pirate101. It is amazing to play pirate101

Anonymous said...

Notification for sure! I give my self time to decide what to answer. After lovely game play and few minor things that bugs me, and lovely sailing and everything else what really makes my game play perfect is notification window. Dont have to open my chat and scroll, instead i only point cursor over top of the screen and see all :D So helpful :D

Anonymous said...

Notification for sure! I give my self time to decide what to answer. After lovely game play and few minor things that bugs me, and lovely sailing and everything else what really makes my game play perfect is notification window. Dont have to open my chat and scroll, instead i only point cursor over top of the screen and see all :D So helpful :D

Anonymous said...

My favourite thing about pirate101 is the companions. I love getting new additions to my crew! Sometimes the things they say just cracks me up! Lol