November 8, 2012

Pirate101 Contest Update

Ahoy Pirates!

I've noticed that there have been a lot of entries so far, at least 50 people have entered this contest. Make sure you know the rules before entering the contest. To enter you have to Follow this blog (There are some people that are already following so that's two free entries). One other thing you need to make sure to do before entering is leave a comment in the posts before entering.. Make sure you do. If you would like to enter you can now enter at this post. Good luck to all of you :)


Unknown said...

thank you sir for keeping this awesome contest :D and my favorite thing about pirate101 is companions and ships :D i just love forming a strong and loyal crew and travel with them to the farthest corners of the spiral in my beautiful and legendary ship (the queens pride...its name :D)

Unknown said...

Awesome website Edward! And congratulations on official US website for Pirate101! Congrats!

Paige Dreamcloud said...

Its hard for me to pick just one thing about P101 that I love, there are just so many great things. If I were forced to pick though...I'd say that my favorite thing about P101 is Broadside Combat. You'd be surprised how blowing enemy ships out of the sky can right any bad day...even if for merely the moment :)

Aedan Morgan/Aaron Starheart said...

I really like the combat, It's reminds me of Chess! I also really like the Ships and companions, I guess I really like it all!