I've been here four years!
Today's not only a US holiday, its also a day marking four years since I created my Wizard101 account! If you're an American you're probably wondering why in the spiral I created a wizard account on this date. Well.. It was a rainy day on the Fourth of July four years ago and I didn't know if my family and I were going to be able to shoot fireworks that day. So I went inside and turned the channel right to Cartoon Network. I was watching boring shows and well you probably heard this many times but at the time I was looking for a fun video game to play.. All of a sudden this EPIC Wizard101 commercial was on and usually I turn the channel if there's a commercial, that time I didn't. A few seconds after seeing that commercial I ran to the computer and created an account. I ran because I didn't want to forget the website address LOL. After that the rest is history. I created my ice wizard because I love Winter (I thought Frost Giant was the strongest spell that game would ever have)! I created a wizard of each school on two accounts and leveled them to 60. I was a strong wizard then but it started going downhill because Kingsisle was releasing worlds every few seconds until this year. They stopped releasing them so fast so I'm slowly becoming a wizard again with Autumn Dreamwalker! Now, you know I play Pirate101, THE BEST GAME EVER, and I have so much fun with that game. I never get tired of the game, I'm so happy that Kingsisle created a game with the best graphics, storyline, everything. I think Pirate101 might be Kingsisle's biggest accomplishment. :D So before I ramble all of you out of here, I would really like to thank Kingsisle, and everyone reading for the best four years ever! Here's to hopefully four more years? I really can't wait until my 5th year here. That's going to be huge. Half a decade! Wow. :D Okay I'll see ya around the Spiral. I just wanted to make this short post before I was too busy and couldn't. You know, the.... uh.... yeah? x stops typing x
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