July 5, 2013
Will Wizard101 Continue releasing new worlds?
Hello Wizards!
Recently there's been questions about Wizard101's new main world and once the level cap goes up it'll be level 100! That's quite a lot of levels, and we have a lot of worlds we've had so far. We've had a lot of new pets, spells, mounts and much more since the beginning of the game. I believe Kingsisle will still release many more main worlds with a lot of levels. Why do I think that? Well.. W101 is still releasing new commercials. Kingsisle is a very successful game company and they will continue to make new content/worlds for the game as long as we play. I've seen this many times in the past few years. I can't wait to see what W101 has to offer us with the next world though. They have been taking their time which is great! I'm waiting for some new gear. I can't speak for Kingsisle but if they stop releasing new worlds for Wizard101 it'll be the biggest mistake they could make, the same with Pirate101. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Kingsisle makes a lot of money and that can help with all of their other games they have released or plan to release... There's really a lot of reasons I believe Wizard101 will continue and I can't name all of them since this post would go on forever and you'd probably get tired of reading, but I have a few more reasons. When J Todd Coleman resigned the end of January I noticed everyone started to worry a bit more about the future worlds and if the level 90-100 world would be the last one. I don't think so at all! Lets bring Pirate101 into this. Recently P101 released two new worlds and the level cap raised from 50-65. If they keep doing that every 6 months with 15 levels and two new worlds in a matter of a year from now the level cap will be level 90. Pirate101 hasn't been here long and it has a 101 after it also. There's no way it'll end that quick with all of the work they put into the game. I believe the same thing with Wizard101, 5 years just to end the game? I don't think so. This game has over 30 million players alone! There's no way they'll end the content with that many players. I'm only a Pirate101 Fansite owner and I'm not speaking for Kingsisle, but if you ask me.. I know this game will continue for many more years. If I'm wrong and they do end the game I'll be one upset wizard and I'm sure 30 million other wizards will be upset also. Do you think the game will end this year? Or do you think it'll continue? Comment below I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks for reading!

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I sincerely think after a year break they will release another storyline with another villain..
I agree with Neizvesten. Or maybe do a spin-off game.
spin-off game... that would be really interesting to see.
That would be interesting. In the spin-off game or even in this one I would love to learn more about the teachers/headmaster. I would also love to see the time where Ravenwood was first created and Malistaire was the teacher of the death school. :D
So far Morganthe is the 2nd villain, there has to be so many more villains that have a evil plan! :P
KingsIsle CLEARLY DECLARED on FaceBook prior to J. Todd Coleman's leaving, that the game would continue to flourish, BOTH GAMES, for the next several years...as well for curiousness since there's been some debate...this world has an extremely HIGH change of being Aquila, and for those whom are saying "No" are clearly blind considering the armor and EAGLES.., and now to finish this...Empyrea has SKYSQUIDS (for those that did the Wysteria Side Quest) and so does Greek aka Aquila...so like before with Weirwood, Empyrea may be a small section of Aquila, possibly an underwater realm...as well Celestia is based on Atlantis, so the bundle that we saw was a make up for the EPIC BUNDLE, etc...
P.S. Blind Mew also had stated that the double world was a one time thing to increase players into Pirate101 and rile them with excitment...bye for now. :D
Yes. That's another thing I didn't mention on this post, but I remember what KI said. Its all confusing, but that's exactly another reason I believe the game will continue, not for several years but longer! :D Yes, I believe the next world will be Aquila or based off of it, maybe it'll have a different name? Or maybe a different part of Aquila? We still haven't had snakes, when we see those..... we'll know its Aquila :P
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