March 10, 2017

Wizard101: St. Patrick's Day Event (2017)

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful Friday. I decided to announce that I will be having another St. Patrick's Day Event (Friday, March 17th at 11:00 am CST / 12:00 pm EST). Keep reading below for more information if you're interested in attending this event. :D

Friday, March 17th at 
11:00 am CST    12:00 pm EST

Ravenwood, Unicorn Realm

I will be using a second account wizard to teleport everyone to my house. If the party is too large, I will only be able to allow 100 into my Sultan's Palace.

Important Note: (The Easter Bunny Run will have many more houses and contests - hope to see you there as well. Keep in mind there will not be contests here because I will be saving those for the Bunny Run on March 25th).


I really hope to see you at this smaller event. The only requirement is to BE NICE to everyone. I love having family-friendly events for everybody to attend. I hope you all have fun. We will be running around Ravenwood before I teleport everyone over to my Sultan's Palace. If you won't be able to make it, I hope you have an awesome St. Patrick's Day. Watch Luck of the Irish on Disney Channel. :P

1 comment:

Chrissy The Blesser said...

Or Watch Darby O'Gill and the Little People, if you can find it :D