August 18, 2017

Events Are Great For The Community

Hi there!

Lately there has been a comparison of events here in the community. I'm here to say that no matter who throws an event, it is special for the community because it brings people together. This should matter a lot more than popularity. There are many people in the community that put a lot of work into events just for the community, and all, are great community leaders for putting them together!

I recently attended Lail and Taylor's awesome Fall-themed event. This event was another one of many amazing events that brought people together from all over the world. I must say it was nice attending to only interact and not host. Hosting is a tough job, but the result of bringing people together is a wonderful thing. I want to send a major thank you to Lail and Taylor for putting this event together for us!

Skelemystyk has also thrown many great parties. These parties are always tough to put together so I also must thank Skele for putting on such amazing parties for the community. I can't tell you how much I appreciate each community event. Nobody must throw these events at all, but they decide to and that's awesome! I really appreciate every event in the community.

We also have events for the community. No matter who's celebrating an event in the community, always show support. There are many great people in the community who have events such as Tara DawnBreaker who has unique events to collect money to donate for endangered animals. We also have people such as Heather and Val who host events for the LGBT community. There are so many amazing events that occur in the community with one common purpose: Bringing people together to do something good. There is a lot of bad going on in the world today; but seeing events like these, no matter who they're from remind me that there is a lot more good! We're all capable of bringing people together, but it starts with taking the step to do so. Thank you to everyone who throws events! You know who you are! Also, thank you all for reading. Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral.

You Are Capable Of Doing Anything You Put Your Mind To!

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