October 1, 2017

Happy October

Hi there!

It's finally October! I'm excited because the end of the year is my favorite time of year because of the Holidays. If you've read my website for awhile, you know how much I love this time of year. Recently, Halloween has become a favorite because of events that we throw in game. Speaking of that, I wanted to talk about a few things that will occur this month!

  • Contests: We'll have plenty of contests this month. If you check my social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), you'll see contests leading up to the Halloween Run. You can also check my HR Contests Page at the top of the post for contests - you'll need to continually check this page since it will be updated throughout the month. 
  • Meetups: Lately we've had meetups for those who want to help us for the Halloween Run. This will continue this month. I hope you all are able to check them out if you get a chance. We're making sure that everything runs smoothly for the event later this month. 
  • YouTube Streams: If you didn't know already, I am planning on streaming quite a bit this month before the Official Halloween Run Stream on Saturday, October 28th. I'm going to get all of my nerves out of the way before the official day. If you would like to check the channel where I'll be streaming, click on the link below to check out my YouTube Channel:

We have a lot planned this month. I hope you all are able to join us! :D

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