October 16, 2017

Suri Skullshard Returns

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're ready for a new week. I know it's Monday, but you can start today off by telling yourself that it will be a great week. Go ahead and say it now: This week will be a great week and if I face struggles, I will get through them - You can do it!

Anyway, yesterday I had a chance to do something different - quest! I couldn't believe that I was able to log on in the morning and quest my new death wizard, Suri Skullshard, through a few Halloween Quests and a few other side quests to level up to level 48. My plan was to train my Scarecrow spell, but I forgot I had another spell quest that I needed to complete. I made my way through these side quests by using scarecrow treasure cards. I was able to stream the event but didn't share it with everyone because I'm still a bit uncomfortable. But here's the stream if you would like to watch a bit of it: 

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