May 1, 2020

Wizard Run 2020: Saturday, May 30th

Hello Wizards!

Today, I'm happy to announce a new in-game event called The Wizard Run! This event will take place on Saturday, May 30th in The Commons, Greyrose Realm with tons of fun in-game activities & awesome surprises beginning at 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern on! Everyone is welcome to attend this event. Memberships aren't required to participate. Now, let's get to more information about this event, including an official schedule.

12pm Central / 1pm Eastern - Twitch Stream Begins / Pet Dance Party

12:10pm Central / 1:10pm Eastern
Pet Derby (Your Favorite Teen Plus Pet)

12:30pm Central / 1:30pm Eastern
Hide & Seek

1:00pm Central / 2:00pm Eastern
Wizard Caroling Raid

1:30pm Central / 2:30pm Eastern
A Wizard Story

2:15pm Central / 3:15pm Eastern
A Very Special Surprise
(Watch Twitch Stream For Announcement)

2:45pm Central / 3:45pm Eastern
Line Up For Wizard Run
(1-Day Mounts Provided - Watch Video Guide Below For Run Path)

3:00pm Central / 4:00pm Eastern
The Wizard Run Begins - The Commons, Greyrose Realm

3:30pm Central / 4:30pm Eastern
Afterparties Begin
(Port Wizards Announced On Stream)

Not all Activities above (such as the Wizard Caroling Raid or Hide and Seek) will be in the Greyrose Realm. Remember to watch our Twitch Stream for directions on how to win any giveaway and realm changes. Keep in mind that the run will begin after the activities at 3pm Central / 4pm Eastern in the Greyrose Realm. And please be a good sport if you don't win a contest or giveaway - don't beg for prizes. Help us spread the word about this event by sharing this blog post with your friends and on your social media pages. Below you can get a reminder of this event by following the Event Page on Facebook or giving us a follow on Twitter. There's also a link to a page explaining more about our events. We hope to see you at this year's Wizard Run. Thank you all so much for your support. Let's continue this tradition together.

A Facebook Reminder - Event Page

A Twitter Reminder - SpiralVision Twitter

Learn More About Our Events

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