March 29, 2016

The Lake of the Rising Sun!

Ahoy Pirates!

It looks like Edward Cringle is officially back and questing (as of yesterday), and that means I'll have plenty of posts about his questing until Summer. I think you're going to like or LOVE my Pirate101 posts during the Summer. :D Anyways. Let's continue talking about freeing the monkey king from his unlockable cage!

On my last blog post, I had to help the monkey king from his cage. I had to find Hattori Hamzo, the one with the key to the cell and put moon pollen in his tea so he would fall asleep while we make away with the key. I had to collect ten moon pollens around Subata Skyway and then sail to Hattori Hamzo's Forge. He knew that the monkey king was behind this plan, and told us that the cage was made unlockable. Today, I had to travel back to the Monkey King's cage to tell him the bad news. He said the only the way he could get out is to have his staff so he could smash it. He then told me that the Dragon King trapped him in there and has his Golden Staff (that he can use to smash the bars surrounding him). I had to travel to The Lake of the Rising Sun to find the Dragon King. 

As soon as I swam to the bottom of the lake, I had to fight ten Blue Oni's. I can't tell you enough how cool these Oni's are because of their fire! This has always been a favorite area of mine in the game. I was so excited to take pictures because of how amazing they are. I hope Kingsisle would give us one of these as a companion (the blue oni) in another world or something. I can't imagine the screenshots I could have for my post. PLUS, my favorite color is blue and blue fire is AWESOME. Okay... Enough talk about that. This part of the quest wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was pretty easy because I made sure I paid extra attention to what I was doing. My companions wasn't defeated and that's really a good thing. I think I'm a little bit ahead of where my witchdoctor was when he accessed this quest a few years ago. :D

After I defeated the Ten Blue Oni's at the enterance of the lake, I had to enter the Dragon King's Hall and defeat the Koi that was guarding the King. I believe 4 or 5 entered the battle, but they had no chance against my pirate and companions that just defeated the Oni. I had no issue at all in this as I was well prepared. The only advice I'll give you is to have another pirate to help you or buy a minion from the Crowns Shop if you're worried. Team Up is also a great feature! :) After I defeated the Koi, I talked to the Dragon King and he said that he wanted his Jade Egg back in return for one wish (to wish for the Monkey King's Staff that he has). I found out that the Jade Egg was in the Valley of the Titans. That means the next post will be THE STORMZILLA FIGHT. I've been looking forward to this forever. Oh wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. I think it's time to end this post where it is. Thank you all for reading this post. Until next time, I'll see you around the skyways. :D

He doesn't look that angry... Does he?

March 27, 2016

Edward Cringle IS Back!

Ahoy Pirates!

I hope you're having a great Easter. I know.. The last time I made a Pirate101 related post (like this) was 10,000 years ago, or a few months ago! :P I have been very busy with school, but today I had a chance to log onto the game again to quest a bit. I really forgot where I was in questing, so I decided to start off fresh and blog about a quest that I worked on today so I wouldn't have to remember what I did on the game months ago.

The last time I was on the game, I had to find the Monkey King. I found out that he was locked in this Cage by the Dragon King. He would give us the Turtle Ball (what we need) after we free him. The monkey king also let us know that Hattori Hamzo has the key to the cage. I had to sail around the Subata Skyway to collect TEN moon pollens that were floating around. The moon pollen would then be used to put into Hamzo's tea to make him fall asleep until we're done stealing the key to free the monkey king. I have been stuck on this quest for months, and I was so happy to complete it today to get started on my questing again. I had to make sure that I didn't get caught by the sky turtles or sunk by enemy ships that were also sailing in the same skyway around the moon pollen. 

Shortly after collecting the moon pollen, I had to sail to Crimson Dock and travel to Hattori Hamzo's Forge to give him the tea. He knew what we did which meant.. our plan didn't go the way we wanted it to. To make matters worse, he made the lock without a key to get inside! He even joked that the monkey king would be in that cage for 10,000 years. It looks like I'm going to stop here. We'll start fresh from here and see what happens the rest of the story! :D Until then, I hope to see you around the skyways. Thank you for reading!! :D By the way.. my next post will have amazing screenshots!

I promise that I'm not celebrating that he's still trapped in the cage! :P LEVEL UP!

Easter Bunny Run & Chopper Warrior Gift Run Recap!

Hello Wizards!

I want to thank each and every one of your for attending the events last night. It truly was a lot of fun and really a great way to get the community together again. I would also like to thank Kaitlyn Soulrider for getting both the Bunnies and Choppers together to have fun at the event (plus Gabby made an awesome video the other day to spread the word - HERE)! I have to thank everybody for doing what they did because it was a very busy day, yesterday. We had well over 100 people combined for both events. The Chopper Run didn't go as planned (which was my fault - I'm sorry about that) from a lot of confusion, but I'm glad that we got to still have everyone join the bunny run and have fun at the afterparty event shortly after. :D I hope I can have another event with Kaitlyn sometime again because I still think it was amazing how many wizards got together for these two events. :) I also had so much help from co-hosts Autumn Dreamwalker, Frostcaller, Ian Stormstaff, Fallon Fireblade and Paige Moonshade. Thank you all so much for your help! :D If you would like to view videos of the event, click on the videos below. Do me a favor and click on the videos below and give them a like if you enjoyed this event!

There really was a lot going on, as you can see from the videos above (and pictures in the slideshow). The main goal was to get everyone together and we did just that! I think we had over four different areas in one realm which met Autumn and I had to make sure you were able to make it to the afterparty and know what was happening. :) Codes and Prizes were also given away by the co-hosts of the Bunny Run and Chopper Warrior Gift Run at the afterparty in Frostcaller's House and Fallon Fireblade's maze! Did you know that many arrived about 5-6 hours early (sometimes even days early)! These events were a lot of fun and I'm still glad I got to work with the Choppers to get everyone together again. I hope we'll be able to get everyone in the community together again sometime! I hope all of you had fun at the event. I'm glad I could talk to you and I wish I could have spoke with all of you, but I was busy running around in circles. Literally! :P It was chaos on my part, but I don't regret this event at all! 

Events like this do take a lot of planning, especially when a lot more arrive. I really hope to have more events with the Choppers and my other co-hosts, especially this Summer after the semester is over. I love getting the community together mostly because I remember how hard everyone worked together in the past to do the same for the community. I think I took over 100 screenshots for my post too while getting everything together. I see many of the wizards who attended the event also had screenshots to share. I wanted to share many of those with you INCLUDING a few drawings during and after the event. These two events were a lot of fun and I hope you all had a lot of fun too. Here are the amazing screenshots and images that I wanted to share with you. :) I can't include everyone's names on these because of time, but I would still like to thank all of you for attend our events! :D