April 21, 2016

#Pirate101Lives: Valencia Part 2 Confirmed!

Ahoy Pirates!

Exciting news! Pirate101 WILL continue! Our amazing community managers, Tom and Leala, announced the new expansion, Valencia Part 2, on Kingsisle Live. This new expansion is planned to be released THIS SUMMER!  This means that Pirate101 is not dead, so ignore any rumor that says the game will no longer continue. Download the game and get your pirates back and questing again because we'll get to explore a new area and have new quests on the game soon. I believe this will be storyline world. I think this is pretty great news considering we will finally have a new world to explore this Summer after all of the years without one. :D Are you excited? Get your pirates ready for questing!! We'll have to get some gold farming and NXP events ready for this Summer. A few more weeks until I'm out of school and then we'll have a lot of fun on Pirate101. :) If you would like to view the video of the new update,  click on the image below (scroll through 2 minute mark).

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