February 4, 2019

SpiralRadio Event: February 7th

Hello Wizards!

I hope you're having a wonderful start to your week. We all know Mondays can be a drag, but keep reading because I have news that will lift your spirits. SpiralRadio's Stephen Spiritcaller & Christina Icedreamer will host a Friendship Festival event this upcoming Wednesday!

Wednesday, February 7th
8:45 pm Central / 9:45 pm Eastern

Nightside, Vampire Realm

They've announced that they'll have prizes & will also talk about the future of their amazing podcast/fansite. Speaking of SpiralRadio.. Did you know that it was originally called Ravenwood Radio and premiered nearly 10 years ago - this October? That's dedication. I can't wait to attend their event! Spread the word to your friends if you haven't already.

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