September 25, 2012

Boochbeard Bundle Video!

Ahoy Pirates!

Pirate101- Kingsisle - released a new video today of the items included in the Boochbeard bundle and I have to say they look Epic! Here's the video:

Very nice? The Boochbeard bundle is a great bundle, probably the bet I've ever seen, this bundle is worth a lot more than $89.99 It offers so much for very little! Guess what my favorite item out of this video is... It's the House!! Very cool, never knew a house could have a Volcano (wizard101 me speaking) I think this is a great house anyone can enjoy and you can invite so many Pirates over! If you would like to purchase this bundle go to the link below..

I hope you purchase this great bundle to show all of the Pirates in the Spiral once the game is released!

See you around the Spiral soon!

~Edward Lifegem 

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