September 9, 2012


Hi there,

Well it's time for me to make a post about WCP. No I'm not announcing it, I'm saying that this is no longer a group. It was created last year, and then stopped because we didn't see the rules about it that Kingsisle had about groups on the game. Sorry Kingsisle! Anyways, I made a post to anyone that still thinks this group is up, it isn't. I don't want to see you get reported or possibly banned of you're thinking this is still going on. It's a really old thing and we really need to put it all behind us. I'm really glad to see Kingsisle added hm's though. This should help a lot! Please don't get in trouble thinking this group is still going on though! If you're doing it for yourself you should still stop, it's against the rules, it took me awhile to understand that but this year (now) I finally do. Time to end this post! It's going to be a little different...

I'm sorry to anyone who had trouble with this group. That includes Kingsisle, Kevin Battleblood, wizards in the commons and anyone else that had trouble with it. I don't mean that the people were trouble, I mean the strong steps you told us to stop and well I didn't. I know this is really old news but I felt like I should get this out to public. I'm very sorry for all of the trouble last year, here's to a great year(s) in the Spiral! :)

See you around the Spiral!

~Edward Lifegem

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