January 28, 2013

Happy Community Manager Appreciation Day!

Happy Monday!

The title says it all! I just wanted to make a post to thank all three of the best community managers ever, the Pirate101 community manager, Wizard101 community manager and the Wizard101 UK community manager! This probably will sound silly but I'm actually going to make this post longer than I thought it would be showing why I appreciate all three of the community managers for all that they've done!

Tom Purdue AKA One-Eyed Jack
Pirate101 Community Manager

Tom is just about a year old community manager for Pirate101, he is new at being a community manager and really does make a great one! He helps a lot of people on the message boards if they are having trouble even if they are mad he helps them as much as he can to fix a problem. He really does make a great manager for the game Pirate101. Thanks Tom for all that you do for the Pirate101 community :)

Kiersten Samwell AKA Lydia Greyrose
Wizard101 Community Manager

Kiersten is the community manager for Wizard101. She helps so many people, can't imagine how much people have asked for help because there's millions of people that play Wizard101. Thank you for helping us, warning us about last minute maintenance no matter what time it is, and everything you do for the Wizard101 community! You rock, and Lydia is my favorite teacher :) Let it snow!

Emy Amesalok 
Wizard101 UK Community Manager

Emy is the community manager for Wizard101 UK, she is awesome! I haven't had a chance to play Wizard101 UK since last year, but I remember when there was a very important maintenance that needed to be done and it was late at night for her and she stayed up and made sure everything was okay before she even went to sleep! It was afternoon for evening for us in the USA. Thank you Emy, I'm glad to mention you on this post and can't wait to start playing Wizard101 UK again :) You rock! Oh by the way, I need a picture of your wizard! I had to use your Twitter profile picture. Lol. 

If you have a chance, you should thank them for everything they do!




1 comment:

Stingite said...

Thanks so much for the shout out! :)