January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Hello again,

I wanted to thank all of you and Kingsisle for a great year last year. It was the best year I've had on the game and I'm ready to make this year the best year too! I can't believe everything that happened last year, from Around the Spiral becoming a Pirate101 Fansite to reaching 200 members and 100k views. Its crazy all of this happened in a short amount of time and I'm ready to make this year epic. I have huge plans that I plan to accomplish and I hope you're ready for them because you're involved more than you know :). I hope all of you stick around with me another year to see all of the surprises I have planned for you...

  1. Wizard101 UK- I plan to start blogging about Wizard101 UK again and hopefully level my character through the game. I haven't had a chance to level on Wizard101 UK since the beginning of last year and I would love to level on there once again. I would also like to try to submit for fansite for UK after awhile, I'll have to see how that goes! 
  2. Updates to Site- This is another main goal that I hope to accomplish. Its not only updates, its more of an improvement. Right now the site isn't doing too good on graphics with the background, I am hoping to fix that soon though. I am also going to add more information to the pages on the bottom of this blog, I haven't had a chance to do that yet! 
  3. One last one- My last new years resolution is to impress you with all of the other surprises I have for you! I am hoping you like everything I have planned even though there's some things I haven't told you yet. 2013 will be the biggest year for Around the Spiral. I'm hoping it beats last year, if it doesn't it'll tie with last year! I hope you enjoy everything. :)

What are your New Years Resolutions? 

Some wizards/pirates may not make new years resolutions but I think its good to make them! Its like goals you have for yourself and sometimes it does help.. Well last year I think it did more than help because I've completed all of my goals for my blog in a matter of a few months! If you have any goals you should try for yourself, you never know what might happen if you do. Good luck with your goals and I hope you enjoy Around the Spiral 2013! Futuristic... wow.. x stops typing x

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