January 22, 2013

TCP Winners!

Ahoy Pirates!

I have had a contest going on where you had to comment below my recent contest and name your favorite and least favorite companions on the game. Before I begin, I have to tell you my favorite is Kan Po the Witchdoctor Pet and my least favorite is Mormo. Okay, now for the contest winners! I clicked on random.org once and here are the winners from 1-5.

I would like to post their comments on this post so keep reading if you would like to! By the way, thanks everyone for entering this contest and congratulations to the winners!

Clarence Krueger II

The best Companion stats and ability is wise of course, El Toro; but personally I love the Cat Ninja  picked up in late Mooshu. She is just awesome and fun to watch in battle. Least favorite companion is probably any of the mediocre chicken companions I picked up in Cool Ranch. I picked up around 5-6 and none of them are any good or special in any way.

Anthony Zahra

My favorite companion is bones mcgee, every time they hit him he shakes his head to check if it is still there and I find it awesome. My least favorite companion is Mormo. I just don't like his skills.

Talon StormShade

My all time favorite companion is Bull Samoorai! Love how he moves and attacks so epicly! My least favorite companion is the lame Guinness Pig guards. I don't like them because of how they look.

Sammy Kritzel

My favorite companion is my goat monk Lin Poa, my least favorite is actually Momo (platypus tribal leader), he weirds me out a bit.


My favorite companion is the Yule Trogg, it may not have many epic talents but it is good and looks really awesome, least favorite would have to be gaspard de vole I'm sorry but he is useless because his his epics are not great and he doesn't flow well.

Thanks again for your entries! Cowmouse, Sammy and Anthony, please contact me with my email, edwardfrostgem@gmail.com, so I can give you your code. I trust that no one else reading will act like them! Thank you everyone :) I hope to see you around the Spiral!

1 comment:


Congratz to all the Winners XD, I was so close, If only that "Storm" had been a Night XD