March 30, 2016

Wizard101 Event Recap: Walk in the Park Event

Hello Wizards!

 I hope you're having a great day! I wanted to make this short little post thanking our amazing community managers for arranging a fun event in the Pet Pavilion in the Greyrose Realm today. It was a lot of fun to see so many wizards from the community once again. I can't believe there were actually 16 areas in the Greyrose Realm (reports of 18 from a few at the event).

There was no way I was going to try to count how many were at the event in Area One, where I was. We have to remember that our community managers are busy and arranging this event was very nice of them, not just saying that. It's a lot of work to put an event together and I'm sure it really is when they are working at the same time! Thank you for the event, Tom and Leala! :D I wasn't able to put a ton of photos together for a slideshow, but I certainly have a few that I'll publish at a later date. :D There were so many blue names! It really reminded me a lot of how many attended the Ravenwood Ball and all of the different areas there were. Thank you again for the great event, Kingsisle!

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