October 1, 2018

Happy October - A Very Spooky Month

Hello Wizards!

Happy October! Can you believe that the month of September zoomed by as fast as it did? I love September because of Wizard101's Birthday, but I've been ready for October to arrive since April. October is becoming one of my favorite months due to many reasons.. one of those reasons being the Halloween Run!

We've been hard at work planning the Halloween Run since after the Holiday Mashup in July. Lately, we've been working a lot more on the last minute details such as contests, port wizards, etc. I know I always say this, but I think this upcoming event will be one of our best events. The amount of people who attend our events and/or streams does not matter - although, we thank you for attending or supporting any of our events. I'm talking more about the activities we have planned for those who are able to attend. It'll be amazing! We're always hard at work to make the events as fun as they can be. It'll be amazing to see what everyone thinks about this year's Halloween Run. If you would like more information about our event and an epic raffle, feel free to click on the link below. :)

While promoting our upcoming event, I also plan on promoting upcoming Wizard101 and Pirate101 events from our amazing community. You may see a few event blog posts, tweets, and statuses that aren't about the Halloween Run. We aren't the only ones in the community that throw events. There are many great event hosts in our community (both Wizard101 and Pirate101). It's going to be a lot of fun attending their events this month! Remember if you see an event post from someone, try to check it out. Whether someone hosts events, makes art, youtube videos, or streams, you should check out their content. You may find yourself meeting new friends!

My goal this month is to make everyone feel welcome in this community. Our community is about being inclusive and supporting everyone as long as they're doing good things. I hope you join me by making this month (all months) a message of inclusiveness. If you see someone new join the community, welcome them. Or if you see someone struggling in-game and you have time to help them, go ahead and help them. This is what our community was and always will be about! Thank you all so much for reading this blog post. Let's make October a great month for everyone! Until next time, I'll see you around the spiral. 

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