July 20, 2014

Keep Trying Or You'll Never Win.

Hi there.

For the past year or so I've noticed wizards/pirates in the community get mad at a Fansite or others because they don't get a code. There's no reason to get mad.. When I first joined this community I had to enter contests to see if I could get crowns so I could buy my next area. Sometimes I didn't win these contests and that would mean I wouldn't get to play Wizard101 as much as I wanted to since there wasn't a Pet Pavilion, Advanced Housing, Fishing, and a lot of other awesome updates KI added to the game recently. I didn't have Pirate101 to play for awhile so I was stuck in Wizard101. I didn't get mad at anyone because they won a code, I congratulated everyone and thanked the owner of the site for having the contest. If you don't win a code, that doesn't mean you have to get mad at everyone because you didn't win this code or item. Codes are only codes that you can redeem for items that you won't get to keep your entire life. Please don't get mad at anyone because you don't win an item. I know when I have contests, I appreciate those who thank me for the contests even if they don't win (and if they do win). I think it's awesome that there are wizards and pirates in the community that care. I don't like having contests. I love blogging about my wizards, pirates, ideas, online safety and any other tips I might have about the games. I also love having events but contests are becoming something I don't like having as much. This month I haven't had any contests and I think that's great only because they're not enjoyable because there are a few that get mad they don't win anything. I love giving away codes for everyone who wants to test out something on the game but I don't love giving codes to someone who only complains and wants more codes and then if they don't win another contest, complains. This counts as someone who doesn't win contests and complains because they don't win one. If you don't win one, that doesn't mean you'll never win a contest. Keep trying, if you don't try, you will truly NEVER win. If you try, you'll have a better chance of winning! That's what I'm going to leave everyone with. Thank you for reading.

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