July 18, 2014

Privateer & Witchdoctor Update

Ahoy Pirates!

I wanted to make a short post to let you all know what I've been up to on the game! A few days ago I made a post letting you guys know what I've been up to on my witchdoctor. I've been leveling my companions to level 65 before the next world which is fun because I used the advanced companions feature for the first time. I've been leveling all of my companions on my witchdoctor and I'm proud to say that I finally leveled ALL of my witchdoctor's companions to level 65! :D Another thing I have been doing on Pirate101 is leveling my privateer, Edward Donnely! I haven't leveled him as much as I wanted to but I plan on getting him to level 65 before the end of this year. He's currently level 8 and met One-Eyed Jack for the first time. :D That's all I have for you all today, I promise I'll have a new Edward Cringle post tomorrow or Sunday. I hope you all have a great weekend! :D

Bye! :D

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